Positive-Prayer.org site launched
A recent affirmation in the "Daily Word" is so appropriate to keep repeating, and perhaps it will speak to you, too. It states, "My life is unfolding in divine order with the perfect timing of events and circumstances. My good is ready for me, and I am ready for my good!" Wes copied this affirmation onto small cards that we have placed around the house to keep the words going through our minds. We know it is the Truth as we continue to pray about our next step in ministry, and where we might be headed from the Kansas City area. We do know that God is in charge, and all is in divine order! Meanwhile, we have been blessing our home and neighborhood where we have been for almost 2 1/2 years, and are grateful for the time we are here for now. We have been so blessed, are blessed, and will continue to be blessed in the future.
The last time I wrote, I told you about a new adventure that I am starting. It is the Positive Prayer Ministry, an on-line prayer ministry. This ministry will expand further when we move to a different location, and then I will be able to give information in regards to my availability to perform weddings, christenings, house blessings, and memorials. With the help of Wes who lovingly prepared the web site for the ministry, the web site is up and running, and I'm so proud of it. I trust you will visit it, http://www.positive-prayer.org, let us know what you think, and sign up for future "Hopper Happenings" that will come only by your request. At the web site you will be able to place prayer requests, and receive a prayer letter back, if you wish.
I would be so grateful if you are also willing to spread the news to your family and friends about this place on the web where they can submit prayer requests, and know their prayer requests will be held in prayer for thirty days with assurance of complete confidentiality.
I am so appreciative of your loving support as we have journeyed these last two years. In these "Hopper Happenings" I have attempted to share with you some of what has been going on with Wes and I as I went through ministerial school. You mourned with us as we said good-by to our faithful companion of over 9 years, Xena, and you celebrated with us as I graduated and was ordained this last June as a Unity minister. Thank you for journeying with us, and being there for us with your love and encouragement.
On October 26th we leave Kansas City and will drive to Show Low, AZ. We will arrive there on the 27th, and I will speak at Unity of the White Mountains in their new location in Lakeside. We will be back in Kansas City on Oct. 31st, just in time to hand out Halloween treats.
Wes started working at Silent Unity this last week, and really enjoyed it, and the people he was training with. It will be a wonderful opportunity to share this work with him. He will be on the same schedule as mine, when he has completed the training, so we can carpool together.
We are enjoying the beautiful Fall colors, and the cool, crisp days here. Leaf raking is in our near future. Part of the blessing of living in the Mid-West.
Thank you for also keeping us up with what has been occurring with you and yours.
The last time I wrote, I told you about a new adventure that I am starting. It is the Positive Prayer Ministry, an on-line prayer ministry. This ministry will expand further when we move to a different location, and then I will be able to give information in regards to my availability to perform weddings, christenings, house blessings, and memorials. With the help of Wes who lovingly prepared the web site for the ministry, the web site is up and running, and I'm so proud of it. I trust you will visit it, http://www.positive-prayer.org, let us know what you think, and sign up for future "Hopper Happenings" that will come only by your request. At the web site you will be able to place prayer requests, and receive a prayer letter back, if you wish.
I would be so grateful if you are also willing to spread the news to your family and friends about this place on the web where they can submit prayer requests, and know their prayer requests will be held in prayer for thirty days with assurance of complete confidentiality.
I am so appreciative of your loving support as we have journeyed these last two years. In these "Hopper Happenings" I have attempted to share with you some of what has been going on with Wes and I as I went through ministerial school. You mourned with us as we said good-by to our faithful companion of over 9 years, Xena, and you celebrated with us as I graduated and was ordained this last June as a Unity minister. Thank you for journeying with us, and being there for us with your love and encouragement.
On October 26th we leave Kansas City and will drive to Show Low, AZ. We will arrive there on the 27th, and I will speak at Unity of the White Mountains in their new location in Lakeside. We will be back in Kansas City on Oct. 31st, just in time to hand out Halloween treats.
Wes started working at Silent Unity this last week, and really enjoyed it, and the people he was training with. It will be a wonderful opportunity to share this work with him. He will be on the same schedule as mine, when he has completed the training, so we can carpool together.
We are enjoying the beautiful Fall colors, and the cool, crisp days here. Leaf raking is in our near future. Part of the blessing of living in the Mid-West.
Thank you for also keeping us up with what has been occurring with you and yours.
At 4:56 PM,
Anonymous said…
Blessings to you Sandy as you use this ministry to make a difference in the lives of others. We know there are many who are not sure how to turn on the power of God in their life and of course they can't turn God on but can turn their attention to God. It is amazing that the secret to Spirit is so elusive for some and yet it is always right where we are, within us.
I'm thankful that you are a presence of spiritual consciousness bringing about the healing touch of Spirit and Love, showing the Way to anyone who will listen.
I have a question about a statement in your Positive-Prayer message concerning using negative denial statements to negate the appearance of that which is not true for us. (see your quote below)
"Positive prayer reminds us that there is nothing that separates us from God. We use these affirmative, positive statements to state the conditions we desire, and we also use negative, denial statements to negate the appearance of anything that is not true that may be showing up in our lives. "
It is my understanding that anything we think or say to our self that is a verb (action word), whether positive or negative our brain doesn't see that verb (word) as right or wrong it just acts on it to influence what we do.
So my question is; if I were to say "I no longer smoke" my brain only sees the action word 'smoke' and reinforces the action of smoking.
Would I therefore want to say; I recognize that clean clear lungs inhaling pure fresh air is how I breath from today forward?
Sandy, I'm not here to teach you, :-) just looking for clarification.
Much love and blessings to you for all you do to raise spiritual awareness and spiritual consciousness in all you touch.
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