"In the time of King Herod, after Jesus was born in Bethlehem
of Judea, wise men from the East came to Jerusalem, asking,
'Where is the child who has been born king of the Jews? For
we observed his star at its rising, and have come to pay him
homage.'" (NRSV)
The wise men were following the guidance they had been
given. They left their homes, and everything they knew, to
follow this star.
We, too, have guidance from the light of the Spirit of God that
is from with in each one of us. We do not have to look to
things outside of us to receive guidance. All we have to do
is take time in the Silence, and we will be guided.
Let us pray,
Sweet Holy Spirit, we are grateful for Your guiding Presence
with in us. We pause now, and take time to listen. We know
that you are guiding us. We thank you. Amen.
Hopper Happenings
We are on the move! Wes and I plan to move to the Show
Low/Lakeside/Pine Top area in Arizona the first part of
March. We will be starting an alternative ministry of prayer,
Spiritual Counseling, classes, and do weddings, memorials,
and other services to support individuals and churches. We
appreciate your prayers on our behalf.
In November we added a 5 wk old puppy (what were we
thinking???) to our pack. Her name is Tippy Hedrin
Hopper, and she is a mixture of Lab, German Shepherd,
and?? It took Gabby awhile to accept this new addition,
but they are now getting along pretty well.
Our best wishes to you during this holiday season.
Peace and love,
"In the time of King Herod, after Jesus was born in Bethlehem
of Judea, wise men from the East came to Jerusalem, asking,
'Where is the child who has been born king of the Jews? For
we observed his star at its rising, and have come to pay him
homage.'" (NRSV)
The wise men were following the guidance they had been
given. They left their homes, and everything they knew, to
follow this star.
We, too, have guidance from the light of the Spirit of God that
is from with in each one of us. We do not have to look to
things outside of us to receive guidance. All we have to do
is take time in the Silence, and we will be guided.
Let us pray,
Sweet Holy Spirit, we are grateful for Your guiding Presence
with in us. We pause now, and take time to listen. We know
that you are guiding us. We thank you. Amen.
Hopper Happenings
We are on the move! Wes and I plan to move to the Show
Low/Lakeside/Pine Top area in Arizona the first part of
March. We will be starting an alternative ministry of prayer,
Spiritual Counseling, classes, and do weddings, memorials,
and other services to support individuals and churches. We
appreciate your prayers on our behalf.
In November we added a 5 wk old puppy (what were we
thinking???) to our pack. Her name is Tippy Hedrin
Hopper, and she is a mixture of Lab, German Shepherd,
and?? It took Gabby awhile to accept this new addition,
but they are now getting along pretty well.
Our best wishes to you during this holiday season.
Peace and love,
At 7:29 PM,
Anonymous said…
We are very happy to hear that you will again be residing in Arizona. We have missed you. We now look forwards to supporting you, as you have supported us.
Dave & Della G.
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