
Thursday, December 24, 2009

"Metaphysical Christmas: Mary"

Luke 1:38 "Then Mary said, 'Here am I, the
servant of the Lord; let it be with me
according to your word.'"

This part of the Christmas story tells us
about the willingness of Mary as she heard
the message of the angel. What she was told
would change her life drastically. She, an
unmarried woman, a virgin, was to give birth
to a baby. Because of the beliefs and
customs of the time, Mary could have been
cast out from her family and friends for the
rest of her life, but Mary's response to the
message was, "let it be with me according to
your word." Mary was willing.

This causes me to pause, and contemplate for
myself: Am I willing? Am I willing to live
my life differently than I have in the past?
Am I willing to release the need to complain
about things, because they aren't what I
want? Am I willing to give love instead of
hatred to people that don't act the way I
want? Am I willing to release beliefs of
not enough, and to trust the abundance of the
Universe? Am I willing to be and to do what
it takes to raise the consciousness of our

These are some of my questions, and I invite
you to take time on this Christmas Eve to
pause and contemplate your own willingness,
your own questions.

Let Us Pray:
Living, loving Presence, we pause during
this sacred time to reflect on our lives. As
we spend this time with You, we surrender to
Your guidance for the right questions that
apply to us and our own willingness. We
take this time to listen. We love You, and
are grateful for Your activity always at
work in and through us. Amen.

We feel so blessed to be able to share our
thoughts about Christmas, and how it
applies to our lives today. Thank you for
your love and support.

Peace,love, and joy,



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