
Monday, December 21, 2009

"Metaphysical Christmas: King Herod"

In the Christmas story in the book of
Matthew, it speaks of wise men following a
star. They stop in Jerusalem to get
directions. King Herod hears about this and
tells them to return to him, so that he can
also go and worship the child. Later, King
Herod has babies put to death so that one
of these children can not grow up to take
over as ruler of the kingdom.

When we look at Bible stories from a
metaphysical view point, we don't take the
story literally. We strive to see how the
story is taking place within ourselves, so
we might learn from it.

King Herod represents the ego in us. The ego
does not like change, and feels threatened
by it. The ego will do its best to keep
things at a status quo, and so we may have
thoughts such as, "I can't do that, I don't
have enough education" or "I'm too old."
These thoughts are the ego resisting any
kind of change.

When these "King Herod" thoughts come, first
of all we must recognize them for what they
are, and then we must say, "No,I know that
is not true of me. I can do and be all I am
guided to do or be."

Let Us Pray:
Living, loving, Presence, we are open to
Your guidance. When we hear thoughts that
tell us we cannot follow Your guidance, we
tell them "no." We love You and trust that
You desire the highest and best for us. We
are open to being all we can be, and we are
open to acting from Your guidance. Thank
You. Amen.

We would love to support you on your journey
with prayer and/ or spiritual counseling.

Thank you for your love and support.



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