
Sunday, December 06, 2009


This Sunday we light the 2nd Advent candle for
"Peace." According to the Bible, people in the
time of Jesus were looking for him to bring them
peace. He was called "the Prince of Peace."

We, too, can get caught up in looking for a cure to
our turbulent lives from outer circumstances and
from a person.

True peace comes from a relationship with the
Christ Spirit that indwells each one of us. We are
able to obtain peace when we spend time in

An affirmation that was taught by a director of
Silent Unity (a 24hr Prayer Ministry that began
over 100 years ago) states, "I am centered and
poised in the Christ Mind, and nothing can disturb
the calm peace of my soul."

Let us pray: Living, loving Presence, we are so
grateful for Your peace that comes as we spend time
with You in our inner sanctuary. Thank you for the
"peace that passes all understanding." Amen.

We welcome your comments, and are grateful also for
opportunities to pray with you. Thank you for your
love and support.


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