
Thursday, December 17, 2009

"Metaphysical Christmas: Light"

During the season of Christmas we see light
expressed in so many different ways. Homes
are lit up with lights on the outside, trees
are wrapped with lights, and candles burn
on tables and mantlepieces.

Light chases away the darkness, and light
can also illuminate things in a different
way then we have noticed before.

As we spend time in prayer and meditation
new Light can illumine our way of seeing
our lives and the people around us.

During this Christmastime we can allow our
inner light to shine forth so that others
can see the way out of darkness. Jesus
called us to be "the light of the world."

Today let us truly be Light. How are you
willing to shine your light? A smile? A hug?

Let Us Pray:
Sweet Spirit, we release anything that may
cause us to hide our light. We are willing
to shine so that we may express Your light
in our world. Thank You. Amen.

We enjoy hearing from you, and we are grateful
for your love and support.

Let your light shine,


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