"Something Sacred"
"There is something sacred here." Susan Kay Wyatt
In the quiet of my car last night as I was driving
from one patient's home to another, I was
thinking about how often I compartmentalize
things in my life. What I realized is that
everything is sacred and every moment is sacred.
We have been given the power of choice. We
can choose to see things as good/bad; black/
white; inferior/superior; rich/poor, or we can
choose to see everything as sacred.
Everyone and everything around us have been
created out of Universal Mind.
There is no evil. There are only people who are
not aware of the Divinity within them who are
acting out in ways that do not serve their highest
good or that of anyone else.
As we begin this baby year of 2011, my intention
is to see people, and what is going on in my
world as sacred. My desire is to see the Christ
at work.
May this new year be one of setting intentions
for what we want to see and be, and then to do
what is ours to do.
Let Us Pray:
Living, loving Presence, we go within and
connect with you. We open ourselves to You
that we may be fully aware of Your Presence
in ourselves and in our world. We are open to
do what is ours to do. Amen.
I behold the Christ in you. You are sacred.
At 2:32 PM,
geraldine said…
I thank you for prayers received.Please pray that my decisions I make for my future will be the right ones, And divine ones,that will also have a positive effect for my daughter.Not for my own personal gain. Thank you.Geraldine (Ireland)
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