
Friday, February 26, 2010


One definition of "Denials" is something
you are giving up.

But another way of describing Denials is
when we say "no" to things that are not the
Truth of us.

One of my favorite songs that we sing in
Unity churches is "I am free; I am
unlimited; there are no chains that bind

When we use Denials, they free us from
beliefs or thoughts that chain us. Such
thoughts are, "I'm going to get sick
because it is the flu season, and everyone
else is getting sick."

Our response is to gently say, "No, I deny
that thought to have any power over me."

It is up to us to examine our thoughts and
beliefs, and to see if they are true. If
not, then we say, "No."

Let Us Pray:
Living, loving Presence, we go within and
connect with You. Help us as we examine our
thoughts and beliefs, so we come from the
Truth of who we are. We are open to Your
guidance. Thank You. Amen.

It is wonderful to be on this journey with you.
My desire is to support you. I'm here to pray
with you, and I'm available for Spiritual



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