
Sunday, February 21, 2010

"Ash Wednesday"

Ash Wednesday is the traditional
beginning of Lent. Lent begins 40 days
before Easter, excluding the Sundays.

The tradition relates to the 40 years the
Israelites spent in the wilderness before
they entered the Promised Land, or to the
40 days Jesus spent in the wilderness.

Lent is a time of fasting in preparation
for the celebration of Easter. Often people
choose to fast from eating sugar or candy.
Some churches fast from eating meat on
Fridays during Lent.

Instead of choosing a food or some material
thing that we want to not partake of during
Lent, I suggest that we might choose to
fast from gossiping or complaining or
thoughts of lack.

I invite you to take some time to contemplate
this decision for yourself.

Let Us Pray:
Living, loving Presence, I sit quietly in
this time of silence. What would be the best
thing for me to release during this Lenten
season? My desire is to grow in my awareness
of You and to express You. Thank You. Amen.

It is wonderful to be on this journey with you.
My desire is to support you. I'm here to pray
with you, and I'm available for Spiritual



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