"Are you willing to recognize that thoughts are
simply thoughts, beautiful and horrible in their
scope and power, yet inadequate in their
description of who you are?
"When you are free of the bondage of
believing that thoughts are reality, you are
free to enter into the direct experience of who
you are." Gangaji
When I read the above quote, it began a
time of contemplation about how much
my thoughts, and my wondering about the
thoughts other people might be thinking,
have influenced the decisions I have made.
It is very freeing to become aware of
thoughts, to recognize them for their
impermanence, and to let them go.
My thoughts can overwhelm me and keep
me up at night. And, sometimes worrying
about what someone else might be
thinking has made me feel anxious.
The truth is: Most of the time they aren't
thinking about me at all, and what they
are thinking isn't any of my business
When we can let go of the thoughts, it
truly allows us freedom and the ability to
make clear choices.
So, what do you think?
Let Us Pray:
Sweet Holy Spirit, we go within and
connect with You. We are grateful for
the ability to think, and we are grateful
for the ability to make choices about
the thoughts that we think. We truly
are fearfully and wonderfully made.
Thank You. Amen.
I'm grateful for you, and your choice to
receive and read this message. You
are a blessing to me.
Light and love,
simply thoughts, beautiful and horrible in their
scope and power, yet inadequate in their
description of who you are?
"When you are free of the bondage of
believing that thoughts are reality, you are
free to enter into the direct experience of who
you are." Gangaji
When I read the above quote, it began a
time of contemplation about how much
my thoughts, and my wondering about the
thoughts other people might be thinking,
have influenced the decisions I have made.
It is very freeing to become aware of
thoughts, to recognize them for their
impermanence, and to let them go.
My thoughts can overwhelm me and keep
me up at night. And, sometimes worrying
about what someone else might be
thinking has made me feel anxious.
The truth is: Most of the time they aren't
thinking about me at all, and what they
are thinking isn't any of my business
When we can let go of the thoughts, it
truly allows us freedom and the ability to
make clear choices.
So, what do you think?
Let Us Pray:
Sweet Holy Spirit, we go within and
connect with You. We are grateful for
the ability to think, and we are grateful
for the ability to make choices about
the thoughts that we think. We truly
are fearfully and wonderfully made.
Thank You. Amen.
I'm grateful for you, and your choice to
receive and read this message. You
are a blessing to me.
Light and love,
At 7:50 AM,
Bernadette said…
What a great quote from Gangaji! Thanks, Sandy, for such thought-provoking messages when I get to work on Monday mornings.
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