
Saturday, January 05, 2013

"Laughter, the Best Medicine"

“I love people who make me laugh. I
honestly think it's the thing I like
most, to laugh. It cures a multitude of
ills. It's probably the most important
thing in a person.” ― Audrey Hepburn

I love to laugh, and enjoy sharing
laughter with others.

Children laugh spontaneously all of the
time, and I wonder why adults seem to
lose their desire to laugh.

Perhaps we need to quit taking ourselves
so seriously?

According to the Mayo Clinic: "Laughter
enhances your intake of oxygen-rich air,
stimulates your heart, lungs and
muscles, and increases the endorphins
that are released by your brain.
A rollicking laugh fires up and then
cools down your stress response and
increases your heart rate and blood
pressure. The result? A good, relaxed

"Laughter can also stimulate
circulation and aid muscle relaxation,
both of which help reduce some of the
physical symptoms of stress."

Maybe we can take time today, and
every day to find something to make us
laugh, and then share it with others.

I like the idea of a news network
devoted to laughter so we can spread
this good medicine.

Let Us Pray:
Consciously we go within and connect
with Creator as us.  We claim the
joy that springs from within us, and
allow laughter to flow. We are so
grateful for every time we are able
to spread the medicine of laughter.
And, so it is, and, so we let it be.

Sending you lots of laughter and
joy. Thinking of you puts a smile
on my face that radiates joy.



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