
Saturday, November 24, 2012

"Open to Receive"

"Spirit withholds nothing from you.
To believe that God refuses the good
you desire is to deny the goodness of
God." Ernest Holmes

Many of us have believed in God as a
person who answers our prayers
according to whether he feels like
it or not, or if we have been good
enough to receive.

As our quote states, when we believe
that God refuses us the good we
desire, then we are denying the
goodness of God.

The image of God answering prayers on
a whim is giving God characteristics
of a less than benevolent father.

God is Principle.  God doesn't change
God's mind or go against the laws of
nature to answer a prayer.

Belief is the way to answered prayer.

"...whatever you ask for in prayer,
believe that you have received it,
and it will be yours." Mark 11:24

Our belief in whether we think what
we are praying for is possible will
influence the outcome of our prayer.

Our belief in our worthiness to
receive the answer we want will
push our good from us.

Any beliefs that are not in
alignment with what you are praying
for, will keep your good from you,
not God.

"believe that you have received it"

Let Us Pray:
Consciously we go within.  We
connect with the One Power, One
Presence in every cell of each one
of us. We claim our good now, and
know that our prayers are already
answered. We are grateful. Amen.

My thoughts and prayers are with
you as I support you in knowing
that your good is right here, right

Grace-filled blessings,

P.S. We're having a great time with
our study group, and knowing it is
all Go-OD!


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