
Sunday, September 16, 2012

"Invitation to Re-Focus"

"Let us keep our mind and our heart
focused on gratitude and appreciation. 
Gratitude is a harmonious vibration with
abundance." -Mary Manin Morrissey

When all we do is complain about what is
showing up in our lives, then we are
inviting more of what we don't want to
come to us.

What does it feel like when we are
unhappy or focusing on lack?  Our bodies
feel tight and heavy.

It is a mystery to me why so many of us
seem to want to be miserable, but that
is what we continue to choose when we put
our attention on what is wrong.

We even gather evidence  to prove our
point, and to argue that what you are
experiencing is nothing compared to
what has been happening to me.

How about choosing to re-focus our
attention on appreciation and gratitude
for all of the blessings in our lives?

This kind of one-up-manship would be a
great game to play with our family and
friends.  It would bring a wonderful new
energy to our gatherings.

Appreciation. Gratitude.

Let Us Pray:
We go within and connect with Spirit in
us. We release any attention on lack or
problems. Our focus is on appreciation
for all the blessings and lessons. We
are so grateful. Amen.

Today is our day to refocus,to count our
many blessings, and to name them one by

Light and Love,


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