"Challenge for Today"
"Today, challenge yourself to let go of
thoughts, vision, and conversations
about what is lacking or wrong and who
should be different or changed.
"Today, challenge yourself to focus on
everything in your life for which you are
grateful. That could be friends, family,
animal companions, wealth, health, the
sunrise and sunset, and anything else
that adds value to your life."
-Richard Levy
So much of my day can be about the
critical voice of what I see as being
wrong in my world or wrong with other
It isn't helping me to be a catalyst for
a change of consciousness for our
If I continue with this critical voice, then
things are more likely to be the same
as usual.
I've decided to accept the challenge that
Richard Levy is setting before us in the
above quote.
Today I accept the challenge to release
the need for the critical voice, and to
release looking for what is lacking or
wrong in myself, others, or the world.
Today I accept the challenge to focus on
everything in my life that I have to be
grateful for and all that adds value to my
How about you? Are you willing to accept
this challenge?
Together we will make a difference, and be
that catalyst for change. It starts in me.
It starts in you.
Let Us Pray:
We consciously connect with Loving Spirit
that is our very Essence. We release the
critical voice that points out what is wrong
or seems to be lacking. We focus our
attention on all that we have to be grateful
for. We are grateful. Amen.
One of the things I have to be grateful for is
your continued support of this ministry. I'm
grateful for you.
In gratitude and love,
thoughts, vision, and conversations
about what is lacking or wrong and who
should be different or changed.
"Today, challenge yourself to focus on
everything in your life for which you are
grateful. That could be friends, family,
animal companions, wealth, health, the
sunrise and sunset, and anything else
that adds value to your life."
-Richard Levy
So much of my day can be about the
critical voice of what I see as being
wrong in my world or wrong with other
It isn't helping me to be a catalyst for
a change of consciousness for our
If I continue with this critical voice, then
things are more likely to be the same
as usual.
I've decided to accept the challenge that
Richard Levy is setting before us in the
above quote.
Today I accept the challenge to release
the need for the critical voice, and to
release looking for what is lacking or
wrong in myself, others, or the world.
Today I accept the challenge to focus on
everything in my life that I have to be
grateful for and all that adds value to my
How about you? Are you willing to accept
this challenge?
Together we will make a difference, and be
that catalyst for change. It starts in me.
It starts in you.
Let Us Pray:
We consciously connect with Loving Spirit
that is our very Essence. We release the
critical voice that points out what is wrong
or seems to be lacking. We focus our
attention on all that we have to be grateful
for. We are grateful. Amen.
One of the things I have to be grateful for is
your continued support of this ministry. I'm
grateful for you.
In gratitude and love,
At 10:55 AM,
Bernadette said…
I am grateful for you for gently calling us to Center each week!
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