"The Committee"
One agreement you can make is to
treat yourself with respect. Introduce
the agreement of self-respect, and
tell the voice in your head, "It's time
for us to respect each other."
--Don Miguel Ruiz
Chuck Pyle, singer-song writer,
wrote a song about the committee
that resides in our heads. He says
it is dangerous to go in there.
The Committee is all of the voices
that tell us we aren't enough or who
do we think we are to go for our
I'm sure you've probably heard the
same messages.
They are always negative, and
always depreciating who we are.
And, the Committee is really
good at showing us not to be "as
good as" in comparisons.
What our quote is saying is to let
the Committee know that we are
going to change the messages we
are willing to listen to.
We are making the agreement for
self-respect, and to no longer be
willing to put ourselves down.
Truly we are so much more than
we've been willing to accept and
acknowledge in the past.
Today we make the decision for
Let Us Pray:
We go within and connect with
Spirit that resides in every cell of
our body. We are fearfully and
wonderfully made. Greatness is
who we are and who we express.
We are grateful. Amen.
I behold the Christ as you, and
I'm grateful for you.
Light and Love,
treat yourself with respect. Introduce
the agreement of self-respect, and
tell the voice in your head, "It's time
for us to respect each other."
--Don Miguel Ruiz
Chuck Pyle, singer-song writer,
wrote a song about the committee
that resides in our heads. He says
it is dangerous to go in there.
The Committee is all of the voices
that tell us we aren't enough or who
do we think we are to go for our
I'm sure you've probably heard the
same messages.
They are always negative, and
always depreciating who we are.
And, the Committee is really
good at showing us not to be "as
good as" in comparisons.
What our quote is saying is to let
the Committee know that we are
going to change the messages we
are willing to listen to.
We are making the agreement for
self-respect, and to no longer be
willing to put ourselves down.
Truly we are so much more than
we've been willing to accept and
acknowledge in the past.
Today we make the decision for
Let Us Pray:
We go within and connect with
Spirit that resides in every cell of
our body. We are fearfully and
wonderfully made. Greatness is
who we are and who we express.
We are grateful. Amen.
I behold the Christ as you, and
I'm grateful for you.
Light and Love,
At 7:53 AM,
Barbara Baum said…
Thanks for a great message, Sandy. Thought-provoking and timely for me. I've found that my internal committee members can sometimes have good ideas if I separate out all the fear-based thoughts, so I'm not going to disband the committee just yet ;) I've been getting really organized in my affairs lately using information from David Allen, author of Getting Things Done and I think it's time to take over the leadership chair on my committee. As chair, the first rule I'm going to establish is that "only positive, solution-focused ideas will be entertained!" I'll let you know how it works.
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