
Sunday, July 08, 2012

"Getting a Busy Signal?"

"Then to pray truly a person must
mentally unload his human desires
and emotions, that he may become
holy enough to feel the God
presence, still enough to hear the
God message, open enough to
receive the God gifts."
Frances W. Foulks

"...every area of your life where you
can't or won't forgive is a blockage
in the flow of your success. The
only way to unblock it is to be
willing to release the person or
situation with gratitude for what
they brought you." Wes Hopper

Does it feel like you are getting a
busy signal when you've been
praying about something? Does it
seem like success is eluding you?

If there is any area of unwillingness
to forgive, it creates a barrier to our

Whether we are not forgiving
someone else or ourselves, it will
keep us from being able to hear
the still small voice that is within
each one of us.

There is a solution. Be willing to
be willing to forgive, and allow
that willingness to push you forward
to forgive.

"So when you are offering your
gift at the altar , if you remember
that your brother or sister has
something against you, leave your
gift there before the altar and go;
first be reconciled to your brother
or sister, and then come offer
your gift." Matthew 5: 23, 24

Let Us Pray:
We consciously connect with the
Presence that is in every cell of
our bodies. We are willing to
release any barrier to being able
to feel and hear Guidance. We are
grateful. And, so it is, and, so we
let it be. Amen.

I'm grateful for the Instruction that
comes my way on this journey,
and to be able to share it with you.

Light and Love,


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