"Victim or Victor?"
"When you complain you make
yourself a victim. Either leave the
situation, change the situation or
accept it. All else is madness."
-Mary Morrissey
Webster defines complain as to
claim or express pain, displeasure;
to find fault; declare annoyance.
If we choose, it is easy to find
things or people to complain about.
As Mary states in the above quote,
when we complain we make
ourselves a victim.
One of the things I personally
dislike is when I'm being identified
as a victim.
But, when I choose to complain,
I'm telling the world that this
situation or person has power over
me, and I'm a victim.
It is about choice.
"Today, let's shift every complaining
thought, word or deed and either
accept the situation, change the
situation or leave the situation and
bring ourselves in harmony with
what is." Mary Morrissey
We get to choose: victim or victor.
Let Us Pray:
Loving Spirit we consciously connect
with You. We are grateful for choice.
We are grateful for what is. And, so
it is, and, so we let it be. Amen.
Seeing you with gratitude, and so
grateful for your love and support.
yourself a victim. Either leave the
situation, change the situation or
accept it. All else is madness."
-Mary Morrissey
Webster defines complain as to
claim or express pain, displeasure;
to find fault; declare annoyance.
If we choose, it is easy to find
things or people to complain about.
As Mary states in the above quote,
when we complain we make
ourselves a victim.
One of the things I personally
dislike is when I'm being identified
as a victim.
But, when I choose to complain,
I'm telling the world that this
situation or person has power over
me, and I'm a victim.
It is about choice.
"Today, let's shift every complaining
thought, word or deed and either
accept the situation, change the
situation or leave the situation and
bring ourselves in harmony with
what is." Mary Morrissey
We get to choose: victim or victor.
Let Us Pray:
Loving Spirit we consciously connect
with You. We are grateful for choice.
We are grateful for what is. And, so
it is, and, so we let it be. Amen.
Seeing you with gratitude, and so
grateful for your love and support.
At 7:41 AM,
Bernadette said…
I had not connected complaining with being a victim. Thanks for the wake-up!
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