"When you make a mistake, don't look
back at it long. Take the reason of the
thing into your mind and then look
forward. Mistakes are lessons of
wisdom. The past cannot be changed.
The future is what is yet in your power."
-Hugh White
I don't know about you, but it seems to
me to be easier to spend time looking
at mistakes, rather than celebrating
what I've done well.
If we spend a lot of time looking at
what we've done wrong, it will paralyze
us from going forward.
Someone once said "mistakes are
miss takes."
When we see a miss take then it is
our opportunity to learn from it, and
then do whatever it is in a different
As our quote states "the past cannot
be changed," but what we think about it
or do about it can be changed.
Then our future truly is in our own power.
"I have not failed. I've just found 10,000
ways that won't work." Thomas Edison
Thomas Edison didn't give up when his
invention didn't work. He looked at the
miss takes and went forward.
Why don't we change our focus, learn
from our miss takes, and celebrate our
Let Us Pray:
Spirit within us, as us, we are grateful
that Guidance is flowing as us to do
the things that are ours to do. We are
blessed. Amen.
I'm grateful for you and your loving
Grace-filled blessings,
back at it long. Take the reason of the
thing into your mind and then look
forward. Mistakes are lessons of
wisdom. The past cannot be changed.
The future is what is yet in your power."
-Hugh White
I don't know about you, but it seems to
me to be easier to spend time looking
at mistakes, rather than celebrating
what I've done well.
If we spend a lot of time looking at
what we've done wrong, it will paralyze
us from going forward.
Someone once said "mistakes are
miss takes."
When we see a miss take then it is
our opportunity to learn from it, and
then do whatever it is in a different
As our quote states "the past cannot
be changed," but what we think about it
or do about it can be changed.
Then our future truly is in our own power.
"I have not failed. I've just found 10,000
ways that won't work." Thomas Edison
Thomas Edison didn't give up when his
invention didn't work. He looked at the
miss takes and went forward.
Why don't we change our focus, learn
from our miss takes, and celebrate our
Let Us Pray:
Spirit within us, as us, we are grateful
that Guidance is flowing as us to do
the things that are ours to do. We are
blessed. Amen.
I'm grateful for you and your loving
Grace-filled blessings,
At 7:16 AM,
Bernadette said…
Love the switch from mistake to "miss take"! It allows me to see something as an opportunity for learning and growth, rather than something to mentally bring myself down over.
Thanks, Sandy!
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