
Sunday, January 22, 2012

"Open and Receptive"

"Openness and receptivity invite the
richness of life and allow you to be
fully present to all of God's blessings."
Chris Michaels

The opposite of being open and
receptive is to be closed and shut

It is the difference between having an
open hand to receive or one that is
closed and unwilling.

Spirit has blessings for each one of
us as we open to that still small
voice within us that desires to lead,
guide, and direct us.

When we are open and receptive it
opens the way for God's blessings
to flow into our lives.

Those blessings often come in ways
that are totally unexpected from what
we may have planned.

If you need to be in control and have
everything planned out in detail, this
will take courage to step out.

What I know is that the Universe is
always for you, never against you,
and always wants to bless you.

I invite you to be willing to be open
and receptive, and to see the blessings
that come your way.

Affirm: I choose to be open and
receptive to all the Good God has
for me now.

Let Us Pray:
Sweet Presence, I fully accept, and
I'm open and receptive to all the Good
flowing to me now. I am grateful.

I'm so blessed to have you in my life,
and grateful for your support.

Peace, Love, and Joy,


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