"Let Go and Let God"
"...letting God be God in me is my
decision alone. There is no hellfire
and brimstone to threaten me--only
an unconditional love that simply
wants to wrap itself around me. So,
I choose to let go and let God. How
can I lose?" Katherine Saux
I can remember when I was totally
running my life from a fear of a big
guy in the sky that I didn't see as a
loving entity but someone who was
out to get me.
Even though I was "saved" because
I had "asked Jesus into my heart," I
was afraid. I had a list of self-appointed
rules that I had to follow, and if I didn't
and something went wrong in the world
it was my fault (pretty powerful, huh?).
This is no longer where I come from. I
know God as Love. God is within me,
and there is no separation.
I can let go and let God be God in me,
because there truly is no other way.
There is no God and Sandra. There is
only God. God in every cell of my
And, not just God in me, but God in
every cell of your being. There is no
place where God is not.
So together may we choose to let go
and let God. How can we lose?
Let Us Pray:
Living, Loving Presence, we consciously
connect with You as we go within. We
feel only Living, Loving Presence. We
choose to let go and allow You to move
as us. We are grateful. Amen.
This is a journey of unfolding, stretching,
and growing. I'm so grateful that we are
journeying together.
Grace-filled blessings,
decision alone. There is no hellfire
and brimstone to threaten me--only
an unconditional love that simply
wants to wrap itself around me. So,
I choose to let go and let God. How
can I lose?" Katherine Saux
I can remember when I was totally
running my life from a fear of a big
guy in the sky that I didn't see as a
loving entity but someone who was
out to get me.
Even though I was "saved" because
I had "asked Jesus into my heart," I
was afraid. I had a list of self-appointed
rules that I had to follow, and if I didn't
and something went wrong in the world
it was my fault (pretty powerful, huh?).
This is no longer where I come from. I
know God as Love. God is within me,
and there is no separation.
I can let go and let God be God in me,
because there truly is no other way.
There is no God and Sandra. There is
only God. God in every cell of my
And, not just God in me, but God in
every cell of your being. There is no
place where God is not.
So together may we choose to let go
and let God. How can we lose?
Let Us Pray:
Living, Loving Presence, we consciously
connect with You as we go within. We
feel only Living, Loving Presence. We
choose to let go and allow You to move
as us. We are grateful. Amen.
This is a journey of unfolding, stretching,
and growing. I'm so grateful that we are
journeying together.
Grace-filled blessings,
At 11:51 AM,
Unknown said…
God is the God of all blessings and all love and all beauty and all wealth and all health and all peace and all happiness. When you focus your mind on that true God, then all other gods fade away as false and angry gods made of paper without substance or reality.
At 11:15 AM,
Unknown said…
Like you, I was pressured to go forward and receive christ. It was at a baptist church. We were told that god loved us and to read the bible. But when I read it, I found an angry god yelling and cursing the jews and everyone else. The god of the bible seemed to like men who predicted disasters for everybody - Ezekiel and Jeremiah and Hosea and the rest of them. Meanwhile the gods of Egypt, Assyria, and Persia (Babylon) were walking all over the jews and their god just about every other weekend! It is taking me a long time to get rid of the bible brainwashing and embrace the true God who has all health, all wealth, all love, all peace, and all happiness! Thank you for being one of the lights in a dark world!
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