
Sunday, October 16, 2011

"We Are One"

"All creatures, although appearing
separate, are truly only one; all beings
emanate from the Godhead and are
united in the Godhead. The one who
truly learns this becomes the Godhead
and thereby attains liberation."
Bhagavad Gita Chap 13:30

According to the verses quoted above,
we are set free when we begin to know
the truth that we are all one.

Can you imagine what our world would
be like if we suddenly saw each person
as One?

Perhaps we would be able to look for
the ways that we are alike instead of
focusing on our differences.

And, even as we see how we are each
unique, we could see the beautiful
kaleidoscope that our differences create.

It takes a lot of energy to hold grudges,
and to build walls.

What a boring world this would be if we
were all made out of the same mold or
thought the same way.

We are all one, from One.

There is no separation, no lines, no
boundaries except for the illusion we
have created.

That is true freedom and liberation as
we realize we are one. Let's build
bridges and tear down the walls.

Let Us Pray:
Sweet Spirit, we go within and connect
with You. We are One. We celebrate
who we are as Your Creation. We give
thanks. Amen.

Every day is a day to celebrate and
remember our Oneness.

Peace, Love, and Joy,


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