
Saturday, October 08, 2011

"Be Here Now"

"You are where you are. So be there.
Stop trying to protect yourself from the
harshness of right now, fleeing into a long
fabrication about how it's going to be one
day. That's a way of avoiding the
here-and-now truth of our lives."
Sue Monk Kidd

One of the saddest things occurs when
we don't accept the gift of the present,
and spend all of our thoughts on what we
are hoping will make us happy in some
future time.

It can be, as our quote states, "a way of
avoiding the here-and-now," if we live in
the future.

Perhaps we are not finished with school,
and so we're looking to when we will
graduate. We think things will be so
much better when we aren't faced with
classes, tests, and teachers. We forget
about bosses and fellow workers that
will be a part of the future, along with a
whole new set of responsibilities.

As I prepared to go to seminary several
years ago a good friend of mine gave me
some advice, "Enjoy the journey."

Today, this present moment, and all that
is here for us now, is a part of our journey.

If we are so caught up in tomorrow, we
will miss the gift of the present.

Let Us Pray:
Living, Loving Presence, we go within and
connect with You consciously. We are
grateful for this day and all of the gifts in it.
Thank You for leading, guiding, and
directing us. We desire to enjoy the journey,
and be fully present to Your Presence. Amen.

Together we continue to travel, and may we
truly enjoy the journey.

Grace-filled blessings,


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