
Sunday, July 24, 2011

"In the Moment"

"It's not the day you have to manage,
but the moment. It's not the dragon
you have to slay, but the fear. And it's
not the path you have to know, but the
destination." Mike Dooley

I don't know about you, but sometimes
I can look at the task before me, and
just feel overwhelmed by all that needs
to be done.

Belief in there being more than we can
do brings overwhelm and fear.

Our task is to stay in the moment, and
to do what is ours to do.

There are no fire-breathing dragons to
slay. What we have to deal with
moment by moment is our thoughts.

It is important to know what it is that
we want to accomplish. What is
our destination?

We won't be given a road map to get
there. (Darn!) What we have to be is
faithful in listening to our Guidance, and
then acting upon that Guidance.

"Up until now," my friend Charlene has
said, "I've done it this way, but now I
choose to do it another way."

Today I choose to go forward moment by
moment, releasing the thoughts that do
not serve me, and listening to my
Guidance. How about you?

Let Us Pray:
Sweet Holy Spirit, we go within and
connect with You. Up until now, we have
allowed our to do list to paralyze us, and
keep us from our destination. Today, we
choose Your Guidance, and we will then
go forward in the moment to be and do
what is ours to be and do. We are grateful.

Together we move forward, moment by
moment. Thank you for your faithfulness.

Peace, Love, and Joy,


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