
Sunday, July 10, 2011

"The Journey"

"You are the journey in the journey,
journeying, and I am that. What a
journey I am taking each step that
you take. Your sojourn is My
pleasure and My passion. So, Beloved
One, wouldst thou not bless I that am
you by enjoying the journey?"
Essence Speaks--Diadra Price

It is easy to feel that you are alone on
the journey of life, making the
decisions, choices, and taking the
steps. But, it is not true.

The Presence of God as you is fully
with you every moment.

In the quote above the reminder is
that the journey you are taking, Spirit is
taking with you.

This can help you to remember to truly
bless your journey, no matter how it
may be showing up.

An opportunity to see through the eyes
of Spirit, and take pleasure in your

"Wherever you are God is. And, all is

Let Us Pray:
Sweet Holy Presence, within us, as us,
we are grateful. You are fully Present
in every cell of our body. As we look
into the mirror, we see You shining back
at us. We are never alone. For this
truth we are grateful. Amen.

I will be speaking July 24th at the Inner
Heart Center, 85th Ave/Olive; Peoria,
AZ. I would love to see you.

Grace-filled blessings,


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