
Sunday, May 22, 2011


"Expectations are like icebergs. Whether
it's the actions we expect co workers to
take, the recognition we think we
deserve, or the careers we want our
children to choose, we rarely see the
depth of possibilities that exist just
beneath the surface. When we attach
ourselves to one outcome, we can't see
all that might eventually emerge if we just
let it go." –Kim Allen

Expectations can rob us of the joy of
seeing the people around us clearly. If
we have some expectation of how they
"should" act or be then we are not
accepting them for who they truly are.

If we drop the expectation, we can
begin to appreciate the person and
who they are and what they bring to
our lives.

When we come with expectations to
any relationship, we are not bringing
Love. Love accepts what is.

Saying that, as a point of clarification,
it doesn't mean you have to stay in a
relationship where there is not mutual
Love and acceptance. You can use
your power of discernment and make
the choice to not be in relationship, as

Recently I spent some time with a
good friend. Neither of us have a list
of how the other one needs to show
up in our friendship. We celebrate
that it has been that way since the
time we met many years ago.

Do you have expectations, and are
you willing to release them so you
might gain a different perspective?

Let Us Pray:
Living, Loving Presence, we go
within and connect with You. Our
desire is to express Love and
acceptance in our relationships. We
are grateful for Your guidance and
Your Presence. Thank You. Amen

Together we continue to journey and
support one another, and I'm grateful
for you.

Peace, Love, and Joy,


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