
Sunday, March 13, 2011


"The most far-reaching and profound kind
of hunger is a longing for God. No thing
can satisfy this hunger. There is no
substitute for experiencing God, for our
hunger for God finds its roots in God's
hunger for us." Jim Rosemergy

So much of our seeking for outer
fulfillment has to do with wanting

I believe this seeking has to do with
what Jim Rosemergy is talking about
in the above quotation.

We may not realize it, but within us is
a hunger for God. New clothes, a
different body, new cars, new jobs,
or any other experience in the outer
will not fulfill our hunger.

Our hunger for God is met when we
spend time in the Silence with Spirit
within us. In the Silence we are able to
release distractions, and to hear the
Sweet voice of God that desires a
growing relationship with us.

Mediatation in the Silence is a time of
listening and stillness. Take the time
in the Silence. You'll be glad you did.

Let Us Pray:
Living, Loving Presence, we go within
and connect with You. We are
grateful for this time of stillness where
we feel Your Presence, and we hear
Your voice. Thank You. Amen.

Thank you for your love and support.



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