
Sunday, March 06, 2011

"Begin Now"

"Begin now we only have this moment,
sparkling like a star in our hand, and
melting like a snowflake." Paula Best

What is it that is keeping you from doing
what you want to do or being what you
want to be?

In Wayne Dyer's book "Excuse Begone!"
he lists all of the excuses we use to
keep us from beginning:
"1. It will be difficult
2. Its going to be risky
3. It will take a long time
4. There will be family drama
5. I don't deserve it
6. Its not my nature
7. I can't afford it
8. No one will help me.
9. It has never happened before.
10. I'm not strong enough
11. I'm not smart enough
12. I'm too old (young)
13. The rules won't let me
14. It's too big
15. I don't have the energy
16. Its my personal family history
17. I'm too busy
18. I'm too scared"

Do you see anything familiar in the
above list?

Are you going to let your old habits of
thinking (excuses) keep you from doing
or being all you can do or be?

I'm becoming more and more aware of
what has been holding me back, and I
don't want to continue using the old
way of thinking.

I have goals and dreams that I want to
attain, and I'm sure I'm not alone in

My invitation is for each one of us to
put aside our excuses and reach for our
dreams, "we only have this moment."

Let Us Pray:
Living, Loving Presence, we go within
and connect with You. You are the
Source of our dreams and desires. You
desire the highest and best for us. We
are grateful that You are with us on
this journey giving us the courage to go
for our dreams. Thank You. Amen.

I'm grateful to be able to support you
with my love and prayers as we travel

Abundant blessings,


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