"More Than We Think"
"As long as we continue to think of ourselves
as average or limited, we will continue to
condition the God-power that dwells in us.
"When we get our minds off the problems and
obstacles, and focused on God, the
unconditioned power that dwells in us, nothing
will be impossible to us." Eric Butterworth
What are the thoughts that are limiting you?
"I'm too old." "I'm too young." "I don't have
enough money." "I don't have the right
education." "Who am I to think I can do that?"
I remember when I felt the call to go to
ministerial school. I know the above questions
well, because, except the "too young" one,
these were my questions.
In fact, after I had been invited to school, and
was in my first term of classes I was still
asking them, and did ask one of my teachers,
"Are you sure you didn't make a mistake when
you invited me here?" He just laughed.
What I had to do was remove my focus from
the obstacles, and put my thoughts on the
indwelling God that is within me, and within
each of us. That still, small voice had
brought me this far, and wasn't ever going to
abandon me.
Where is your focus?
Let Us Pray:
Living, loving Presence, we go within and
connect with You. We know You are
always Present with us as Love. You lead, guide,
and direct us every step of the way as we keep
our focus on You. Thank You. Amen.
What a journey we are on, and I'm grateful
to have you supporting me. I'm grateful to
be able to support you by listening and
Light and love,
as average or limited, we will continue to
condition the God-power that dwells in us.
"When we get our minds off the problems and
obstacles, and focused on God, the
unconditioned power that dwells in us, nothing
will be impossible to us." Eric Butterworth
What are the thoughts that are limiting you?
"I'm too old." "I'm too young." "I don't have
enough money." "I don't have the right
education." "Who am I to think I can do that?"
I remember when I felt the call to go to
ministerial school. I know the above questions
well, because, except the "too young" one,
these were my questions.
In fact, after I had been invited to school, and
was in my first term of classes I was still
asking them, and did ask one of my teachers,
"Are you sure you didn't make a mistake when
you invited me here?" He just laughed.
What I had to do was remove my focus from
the obstacles, and put my thoughts on the
indwelling God that is within me, and within
each of us. That still, small voice had
brought me this far, and wasn't ever going to
abandon me.
Where is your focus?
Let Us Pray:
Living, loving Presence, we go within and
connect with You. We know You are
always Present with us as Love. You lead, guide,
and direct us every step of the way as we keep
our focus on You. Thank You. Amen.
What a journey we are on, and I'm grateful
to have you supporting me. I'm grateful to
be able to support you by listening and
Light and love,
At 2:38 PM,
Anonymous said…
Thanks. I needed to hear that. I must rememeber the words of Mother Teresa, who was asked by her Mother Superior how she could possibly accomplish her goals with only 3 cents. Mother Teresa replied "I have much more than 3 cents, I also have God."
Rev. Shirley Bowman
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