
Sunday, January 23, 2011


"Birds make great sky circles of their freedom.
How do they do it? They fall; and falling, they
are given wings." -Rumi

"This statement by Rumi is true of us. People
soar when they are still and they let themselves
be transformed by prayer and meditation, but
we are also transformed by life.

"We fall, struggle to fly, and over the course of
time we find that we are given wings."
-Jim Rosemergy

The last couple of Sundays I have been sharing
about thoughts, and how they can shape our
lives. Sometimes in positive ways, and some
in ways that we think of as less than positive.

In the above quote Jim Rosemergy reminds us
that we can be transformed as we spend time
in prayer and meditation. This is an important
part of our spiritual lives.

And, we are also transformed as we live our
lives. I believe that transformation occurs as
we become more aware of our thoughts and
how we are reacting to life, and begin to
release the struggle. Then we can soar!

Just like Clarence, in "It's a Wonderful Life,"
we receive our wings.

Jim Rosemergy goes on to say, "How about
you? Do you have your wings yet? Are you
free? Are you falling? God won't catch you,
but Spirit will grant you wings."

Let Us Pray:
Sweet Holy Spirit, we go within and connect
with You. We feel Your Presence guiding
and directing us. As we act on Your guidance
and release our thoughts, we are set free.
You grant us our wings. We are grateful.
Thank You. Amen.

Together we soar.



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