
Sunday, April 10, 2011

"Faith is a Life-style"

"We are all given the same amount of
faith. Faith is a lifestyle, meaning it is a
daily practice to use our faith towards the
things that are good, helpful, hopeful and
that are life-giving. We put our believing
mind toward possibility."
--Mary M. Morrissey

Abraham is called the Father of Faith.
He was willing to leave his homeland and
travel to an unknown place following God's

Truly, much of the story of Abraham, is a
story of faith as a lifestyle. He kept going
on even when the way was rough, and he
didn't do it perfectly. And, Abraham's
journey ended in the land God had told
him was his.

A lifestyle of Faith is communicating with
our Source, and communicating with our
fears--letting our fears know we are
following the guidance of our Source, even
though it may be scary.

Fear is an illusion set up by our ego, so we
stay in a place of comfort. We get to
choose: fear or faith.

When we choose faith there are all kinds
of possibilities that open up for us.

Let Us Pray:
Sweet Holy Spirit, we are grateful that
You are with us on this journey whether
we choose fear or faith. We are grateful
for all of the opportunities that lie before
us knowing we are never alone. Thank
You. Amen

Thank you for sharing your stories and
your journey with us. You bless us in
so many ways.

Choosing Faith,


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