
Sunday, March 20, 2011

"Dream Big"

"It takes no more energy to dream a big
dream, than it does to think tiny ideas.
Think thoughts the size of the success
you would like to have. This subtle
element is fast and powerful."
-Mary Manin Morrissey

It is easy to read the above quote, and
all of a sudden come up with excuses of
why you can't dream bigger.

I listed some of those excuses a few
weeks ago from Wayne Dyer's book,
"Excuses Begone!"

How about, "Who am I to have something
like that happen to me?" Or, perhaps,
"I'm not smart enough?"

The list goes on and our wonderful
monkey mind would love to keep us
comfortable instead of us going for our
big dreams.

My advice, if you were asking for it,
would be to feed the monkey a peanut
butter covered banana, and tell it to
take a vacation.

One of the things I know is that when I'm
drawing my last breath, I want to be able
to say I went for my big dream. How
about you?

Let Us Pray:
Living, Loving Presence, we go within and
connect with You. You have blessed us
with Big Dreams, and You are right with
us as we set out to fulfill those dreams.
We are grateful. Amen.

I'm here to support you with my love and
prayers as you journey toward your big

Happy Birthday to my Sweet Heart, Wes!

Lots of love,


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