
Sunday, April 17, 2011

"Choose This Day"

"Your actions, thoughts, and choices
affect everyone and everything in the
world. What you choose to think and
how you choose to live sends ripples
of consciousness out to the very edge
of life in the universe and then returns
back to you.

"You make a choice each day to affect
people or infect them. Will you affect
them with your positivity or infect them
with your negativity?" -Chris Michaels

The above quote reminds us that what
we are putting out with our thoughts
and words does not just affect/infect us,
but it affects/infects the people around
us, and our whole world.

We say we want peace in our world,
but are we sowing seeds of peace? Do
we feel peaceful? Are our thoughts
peaceful about ourself, our loved ones,
our neighbors, and those who are
seemingly different than ourselves?

It is easy to get caught up in thoughts
of dualism--us vs them.

What would better serve us as
individuals, and serve our world, is to
remember that we truly are one. We
are one with God, and we are one
with each other.

I would not want to be a carrier of a
harmful disease that would bring
devastation to our world, and neither
do I want to infect our world with
thoughts of negativity that also have
devastating consequences.

Today what will we choose--to affect
or infect?

Let Us Pray:
Living, Loving Presence, we go within
and connect with You. We surrender
our thoughts, and our very beingness
to You. We desire to be beacons of
Light that affect the consciousness of
our world with Your Light and Love.
We give thanks for Your mighty work
in and through us. Thank You. Amen.

I'm grateful for you, and my thoughts
and prayers go with you.

Choosing Light and Love,


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