
Monday, August 15, 2011


Gratitude not only invokes the law
of increase of your greater good, but
it's a preventative of the downdraft of
moving into the ideas and feelings of
what's wrong and creating more of that.
Mary Manin Morrissey

As Mary states above the more we are
grateful, the more we have to be
grateful for in our lives.

I'm grateful that she also speaks to
the fact that when we are just
looking at what is wrong--we create
more of what is wrong.

As Meister Eckhart stated "If the only
prayer you ever pray is 'Thank You'
it is enough."

When we are in gratitude we are in a
much higher vibration of
consciousness. Gratitude attracts
greater good to us.

"When you are focusing on your true
identity and the good that is yours
and are giving thanks and praise on a
regular basis, your consciousness will
be one of good, and your light will shine."
Jack Armstrong

Do you keep a Gratitude List?

Let Us Pray:
Living, Loving Presence, we are grateful
as we consciously connect with You.
We truly have so much to be grateful
for: Air to breathe; Sun that shines;
Rain that refreshes; Consciousness of
Your Presence. We give gratitude to
you. Amen.

Today I'm speaking at Inner Heart Center.
I would love to see you there.

I'm grateful for you and your faithful
support of these newsletters.

Grace-filled blessings,


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