"Willing to Watch"
"The simple act of watching enables us
to see what is present. And it is best
to watch without judgment. If you want
to discover the essence of a thing, it
cannot be tainted by your opinion. It
must be seen as it is. In fact, we may
declare: it is what it is."
-Jim Rosemergy
In our busy days how many of us are
willing to take time to just watch and
look for what there is to see?
To be an observer, instead of being an
To be fully present, instead of some
place in the future or in the past.
For many of us it will require a
concentrated effort to set aside even
a few minutes to watch.
First of all we need to relax and let
go of our schedule.
Second, we need to close our eyes for
a moment or two shutting out the plans
and the feeling of anxiety of what
needs to be done.
The third thing is to take a breath,
and just feel that breath.
Then opening our eyes, with a soft
focus, be willing to see something in
our environment with fresh eyes and a
new way of seeing.
The final step is gratitude for this
time of relaxation and for what we
have been able to see.
I believe this time of willingness to
watch can be a refreshment for our
body and soul. It can also give us
a new perspective on our world.
Let Us Pray:
We go within and connect with all
that is. We let go of our
perspective, and allow Guidance,
Light, Love to see. We are willing
watchers. We are grateful. Amen.
Two eyes to see with depth and
clarity all that there is to see
in our world. We are blessed.
Grace-filled blessings,
At 5:00 AM,
machesic@msn.com said…
I love your suggestion to simply observe. I needed to hear it right now and you inspired me! Love you!
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