
Tuesday, March 30, 2010


"Woman, here is your son! Here is
your mother!" John 19:26

These are words Jesus spoke to his
mother, and to his disciple, John,
from the cross.

Jesus always took care of the people
around him, and it was no different as
he was hanging on the cross. He
wanted to make sure that his mother
was cared for, and he was letting John
know how much he loved and trusted

During this Holy Week we are called
to care for those around us, whether
we are related biologically or not. We
have been instructed to "Love one
another," by our Master Teacher.

May we be aware of those close to us,
and be willing to care for them. We
can listen, cook for them, give them a
hug. We can laugh, cry, and be
silent together. There are endless
ways to "love one another."

Let Us Pray:
Living, loving Presence we open
ourselves to the Love You are, and
we desire to be an expression of
that Love to those around us. We say
"Yes" to being Love. Thank You.

Thank you for your love and support.



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