
Sunday, March 28, 2010


The definition of Jerusalem in the book
the "Revealing Word" is "'Habitation of
peace.' when we go deep into the
silent recesses of our beings, we
realize a stillness and sweetness
beyond expression. A great peace is
there--'peace of God, which passes all
understanding' Phil. 4:7"
--Charles Fillmore

Today is the first day of what we call
Holy Week, and on this day we
celebrate Palm Sunday, the day
Jesus rode into Jerusalem. The
people threw down palm branches
and robes onto the ground
proclaiming him king.

Jesus rode into Jerusalem (the
habitation of peace). He had peace
within because he had spent time in
prayer and meditation. He knew the
peace of God no matter what might
be the outward experience.

We, too, experience "the peace that
passes all understanding" when we
are willing to follow Jesus into
Jerusalem by his example of prayer
and meditation.

Today let us seek the city of
Jerusalem as we spend time in
prayer and meditation.

Let Us Pray:
We go within, Sweet Spirit, and we
connect with You. We know as we
spend this time that we enter the
habitation of peace that passes all
understanding, and we are grateful.
Thank You, God. Amen.

Blessings to you during this Holy

Light and love,


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