
Sunday, March 21, 2010


Probably all of us have pricked a finger
on a thorn from a rose at one time or
another. It doesn't keep us from the
enjoyment of the beauty of roses or
their wonderful fragrance.

Thorns serve as a reminder but don't
keep us from the pleasure of the roses.

In 2Cor. 12: 7, the writer tells us "to
keep me from being too elated, a thorn
was given to me in the flesh..." He saw
his thorn as a teacher for him.

I have seen the "thorns" of other
people, and how they have been able to
use them as teachers for themselves,
and to inspire other people.

A good friend of mine is experiencing
the diagnosis of cancer. He has been
able to use it to teach other patients,
and his friends and relatives. He truly
is an inspiration to me. He is choosing
to experience joy on the journey, and
use the diagnosis as a teacher.

Is there something or someone in your
life that you are experiencing as a
painful thorn? Perhaps today we can
choose to see these "thorns" as
teachers and learn from them.

Let Us Pray:
Divine Love, we are grateful for Your
Presence always at work in us. We
are grateful for the "thorns" that we
have that we may learn and grow, and
that we may use them to inspire others.
Thank You, for we never journey alone.

We are grateful for your love and
support of this ministry. Let us know
how we can serve you.

Light and love,


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