
Sunday, March 07, 2010


"For everything there is a season, and a
time for every matter under heaven: a time
to keep, and a time to throw away."
Ecclesiastes 3: 1, 6

A conversation with one of my prayer
partners helped me to see how much I do
think about time, and my comparisons of
what I have or have not done with my
time. Usually seeing myself as not having
done whatever as soon as I coulda or

Maybe I'm just talking to myself here, but
perhaps you've been there and done that,

She suggested that perhaps I could
instead be grateful that I had the idea in
the first place, and was then willing to
work at it for however long it took.

I am grateful she was willing to speak to
me about what she was observing in my
behavior, and willing to suggest an
alternative way of seeing the situation.

Today is my "time to throw away" this
old behavior pattern by taking a serious
look at it, and taking authentic action.

Do you have anything you want to throw
away, so you are able to walk your
journey differently?

Let Us Pray:
Living, loving Presence, thank You for
people who love us and want to support
us on our journey. Thank You for all of
the opportunities we have to see what is
going on with us, and that we are then
able to make choices to be and to do
things differently. We are so blessed.

We are grateful for you. Thanks for
being there to love and support us.

Together we journey onward,


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