
Monday, April 12, 2010

"What Was the Purpose?"

"I could not help but wonder if
the reason for Jesus' seeming
willingness to be put to death was
that he knew that others would
never pick up the staff and move
on as long as he was in their
midst." -Rev. Linda Machesic

Whether this was part of Jesus'
willingness or not, it certainly is
true that the disciples and other
followers of Jesus would probably
not have been out there teaching
his message if he was still

Many of us are content to read
the books and sit at the feet of
our gurus, rather than to put
feet to what we are taking in.

We compare ourselves to the
master, and decide we aren't
able or nearly as capable.

Our bottoms carry the calluses
instead of our hands and feet.

Comparisons will always hold
us back, unless we are
comparing ourselves with who
we used to be. Then, we can
truly celebrate the progress
and use it to move us forward.

Let Us Pray:
Sweet Holy Spirit, we are
grateful for the inspiration of
Jesus and other master
teachers. Our desire is to
follow them and to see our
planet changed. Here we are,
send us. Amen.

Thank you, Linda, and all of
you who send comments,
love, and support. We feel
so blessed.

In joy,


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