
Wednesday, March 31, 2010


"My God, my God, why have you
forsaken me?" Mark 15:34

According to the gospel writer, Jesus
spoke these words from the cross.

In the agony of his suffering, did
Jesus cry out words asking if he had
been abandoned by God? Was his
suffering so severe that he forgot that
God was his Father, or the moment
by moment relationship he had with

Is this any different that anyone
of us have felt when things in our
lives seem to be crashing in about
us? (At least I know there have
been those times for me.)

Jesus was fully human. Jesus also
knew his Oneness with God. We
call him our Way Shower because
he came to show us that we too are

When we feel abandoned, we can go
within and spend time with Spirit. We
can feel our feelings. We can affirm
the Truth: I am never alone. God is
always with me. We can share our
feelings and allow others to support us.

Let Us Pray:
Thank You, Loving Presence, we
know that You are Omnipresence
and are always with us. We are
grateful that we can always trust
You, and that You are Love. Amen.

Thank you for being with us on our
journey. We are grateful for your
love and support.



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