
Sunday, June 13, 2010

"Cherish This Life"

"Cherish this life, for the time and the
place to know and express the Truth
is now and right here." Donald Curtis

I can remember as a child wanting to
be older than I was and wanting to do
things I wasn't yet old enough to
partake in.

A favorite old song was, "Youth is
wasted on the young."

Sometimes, even now, I find myself
wanting things to happen quicker than
they seem to be.

We can spend so much time wishing
for the future that we don't enjoy what
we have in the present.

In the above quote Donald Curtis
encourages us to "cherish this life." In
order for us to do that we need to be
fully present and grateful for the gift
that this life is.

Are you cherishing your life? I
encourage you to take time to be
grateful for who you are, and for the
difference you are making in our

Let Us Pray:
Divine Love, we go within and
connect with You. You have
given us this life, and we are
grateful. We take some time now
just to be in this now moment,
present to who we are and the
life we live. We are so blessed.
Thank You, God. Amen.

A part of what we cherish is the
love and support we receive from
you. We are grateful.

Light and love,


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