
Tuesday, May 04, 2010

"I See You"

Recently my husband, Wes,
and I watched the movie

One of the lines from the film I
came away with is, "I see you."

What a wonderful thing it is
when we actually let go of our
own beliefs, preconceived
thoughts or ideas about
someone, and we "see them."

"I Behold the Christ in You"

I behold the Christ in you,
Here the life of God I see;
I can see a great peace too,
I can see you whole and free.

"I behold the Christ in you.
I can see this as you walk;
I see this in all you do,
I can see this as you talk.

"I behold God's love expressed,
I can see you filled with power;
I can see you ever blessed,
See Christ in you hour by hour.

"I behold the Christ in you,
I can see that perfect One;
Led by God in all you do,
I can see God's work is done."
--Frank B. Whitney

I see you, dear friend, and you
are the best.

Let Us Pray:
Sweet Spirit, we see with the
eyes of the Christ, and open our
eyes to truly see one another as
the beautiful creations of God
that we are. Thank You for your
mighty work in us. Amen.

I'm grateful for your presence as
we journey together.



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