
Saturday, March 23, 2013

"Broken Open"

"As we are broken open by our
experience, we begin to be grateful
for what is, and if we live long
enough...gratitude becomes a way
of life."  Mark Nepo

If life was a bed of thorn-free roses
we would all be pretty lifeless.

From the time we are born we have
to begin lessons: turning over,
sitting up, crawling, and walking are
some of the few lessons we learn.

In the midst of our experience it
may be challenging to see it as
something for which we can be

A look in the mirror often gives us
20-20 hindsight, and we see how
the situation helped us to stretch
and grow.  Then we are thankful.

Each time we are able to give
thanks sooner for what is happening,
and to look for the good, gratitude
becomes easier.

Gratitude helps us to release our
negative beliefs.

Gratitude brings relief, joy, and the
peace that passes all understanding.

Becoming grateful takes a willingness
to look for the Good, and to change
our mind about the circumstances.

A choice for gratitude will break us
open and free us from resentment
and fear.

Once again it comes down to what
we choose.

Let Us Pray:
Consciously we connect with Love.
We feel Love.  We trust Divine Love
in every circumstance, and give
thanks for Love that is fully Present
at all times.  We are blessed. Amen.

There can be thorns among the roses.
We can support each other as we
experience the pain, and go forth
in gratitude.

Warm wishes,


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