
Monday, March 26, 2007

Affirmative Prayer

 "Affirmative Prayer"
Prayer is when we connect with the God
of our understanding. It is not begging
or pleading for what we want. When we
pray affirmatively we state Truth teachings,
reminding ourselves about the Truth.

An example of affirmative prayer is: "Loving
Spirit, I know I am surrounded in the flow
of Your abundance, and I give thanks."

Let us pray,
Thank You, God, that we can come to You
at any time, knowing that You hear us. You
know all about us, and You give to us from
Your abundance. We give thanks. Amen.

Everyday we have been able to enjoy walks
in the fresh mountain air with our dog,
Gabrielle. She is in dog heaven, because
while we were in Kansas City the walks were
few and far between.

Wes is doing consulting work for the Apache
County library system, and is learning all
about library terms. He will be helping them
set up a computer system.

I have done some networking, and have my
first bride signed up for a wedding in May.

There is a couple who I met through a good
friend here, and I have been spending some
time with them. He is on hospice, and I have
been able to give his wife some respite. My
experience as a hospice nurse is coming in

April 15th, I will be giving a try out talk at
Unity of the White Mountains. I had a
telephone interview with their search team,
and we had a good time. We are praying
for the highest and best for them, and for
me in regards to their search for a minister.

We trust you are daily being blessed, and
seeing yourself in the flow of God's
abundance. Let us know how you are
doing and what you are up to.

Peace and love,