
Tuesday, May 29, 2007


I remember the song "I Surrender All" that we sang
in the church I went to years ago. Surrender had a
different meaning to me in those days, then it does
now. Thoughts of surrender meant giving up like a
soldier with his arms raised in the air, and giving in
to what someone else wanted in my life.

Now, what I am learning about surrender is that it is
not fighting what is. It is releasing the need to be in
resistance. In her book, "Loving What Is," Byron
Katie talks about this very concept. Suffering comes
when we have an expectation that something has to
be different than what it is.

When I am surrendered, then I can truly pray about
the situation, give it over to God, and listen for what
is mine to do.

Let us pray
Living, loving Presence, we relax into your Presence.
We surrender our circumstances and the circumstances
of others to you. We ask for guidance, because we
know that You know what is ours to do, say, and be.
We give thanks ahead of time, knowing that our prayers
are already answered. Thank You, God. Amen

Hopper Happenings
On April 15th I spoke at Unity of the White
Mountains here in Lakeside, AZ \(they moved from
Show Low, AZ in October\). This was my try out
talk to become their minister. Since that Sunday I
have absented myself from 3 Sundays here while
other candidates were here to try out, visited 2
other Unity churches, and visited family and friends.
Wes and I continue to be in prayer for our next step,
and for Unity of the White Mountains as they make
their decisions.

Wes has been doing some consulting work with
the Apache County library system, and it has been
a time of stretching and growing for him. He
finished a tele-seminar this month where he had
people from Australia and Canada as students.

We continue to love living in the White Mountains
of Arizona. What a blessing to be able to walk in
the pine trees, and be in the part of the country
that we love.

We enjoy hearing from you, and we are grateful
for your love and support.

Peace and love,