
Wednesday, March 31, 2010


"My God, my God, why have you
forsaken me?" Mark 15:34

According to the gospel writer, Jesus
spoke these words from the cross.

In the agony of his suffering, did
Jesus cry out words asking if he had
been abandoned by God? Was his
suffering so severe that he forgot that
God was his Father, or the moment
by moment relationship he had with

Is this any different that anyone
of us have felt when things in our
lives seem to be crashing in about
us? (At least I know there have
been those times for me.)

Jesus was fully human. Jesus also
knew his Oneness with God. We
call him our Way Shower because
he came to show us that we too are

When we feel abandoned, we can go
within and spend time with Spirit. We
can feel our feelings. We can affirm
the Truth: I am never alone. God is
always with me. We can share our
feelings and allow others to support us.

Let Us Pray:
Thank You, Loving Presence, we
know that You are Omnipresence
and are always with us. We are
grateful that we can always trust
You, and that You are Love. Amen.

Thank you for being with us on our
journey. We are grateful for your
love and support.


Tuesday, March 30, 2010


"Woman, here is your son! Here is
your mother!" John 19:26

These are words Jesus spoke to his
mother, and to his disciple, John,
from the cross.

Jesus always took care of the people
around him, and it was no different as
he was hanging on the cross. He
wanted to make sure that his mother
was cared for, and he was letting John
know how much he loved and trusted

During this Holy Week we are called
to care for those around us, whether
we are related biologically or not. We
have been instructed to "Love one
another," by our Master Teacher.

May we be aware of those close to us,
and be willing to care for them. We
can listen, cook for them, give them a
hug. We can laugh, cry, and be
silent together. There are endless
ways to "love one another."

Let Us Pray:
Living, loving Presence we open
ourselves to the Love You are, and
we desire to be an expression of
that Love to those around us. We say
"Yes" to being Love. Thank You.

Thank you for your love and support.


Monday, March 29, 2010


This is our last week of Lent, known
as Holy Week. Today we remember
one of the last statements Jesus was
said to have spoken from the cross.

"Truly I tell you, today you will be with
me in Paradise." Luke 23:43

Jesus was speaking to one of the men
who was on a cross near him. The
man is a picture of the future. Jesus
said he would see him in Paradise.

The man on the other cross near Jesus
pleaded with Jesus to save them. He
was a picture of the past. This man
wanted to go back to where he had

On the middle cross was Jesus who
is our example of living in the present.
Jesus was fully present to what was
happening, and to everyone around

We have our choice: past, present,
and future. Where will we keep our

Let Us Pray:
Sweet Holy Spirit, we choose to be
fully present. We are grateful for the
example of Jesus our Way shower
and brother. Amen.

On this journey we travel together.
We are fully present, and grateful
that you choose to travel with us.


Sunday, March 28, 2010


The definition of Jerusalem in the book
the "Revealing Word" is "'Habitation of
peace.' when we go deep into the
silent recesses of our beings, we
realize a stillness and sweetness
beyond expression. A great peace is
there--'peace of God, which passes all
understanding' Phil. 4:7"
--Charles Fillmore

Today is the first day of what we call
Holy Week, and on this day we
celebrate Palm Sunday, the day
Jesus rode into Jerusalem. The
people threw down palm branches
and robes onto the ground
proclaiming him king.

Jesus rode into Jerusalem (the
habitation of peace). He had peace
within because he had spent time in
prayer and meditation. He knew the
peace of God no matter what might
be the outward experience.

We, too, experience "the peace that
passes all understanding" when we
are willing to follow Jesus into
Jerusalem by his example of prayer
and meditation.

Today let us seek the city of
Jerusalem as we spend time in
prayer and meditation.

Let Us Pray:
We go within, Sweet Spirit, and we
connect with You. We know as we
spend this time that we enter the
habitation of peace that passes all
understanding, and we are grateful.
Thank You, God. Amen.

Blessings to you during this Holy

Light and love,

Wednesday, March 24, 2010


During Lent we have looked at many
things we can release, affirm, and
forgive. Another part of our process of
opening up to new life is to Surrender.

Surrender is about looking at what is
present in our lives: At what is.

Sometimes we want to fight against
"what is," and this is a formula for
suffering. You have probably heard
the old saying, "Pain is inevitable but
suffering is optional."

When we are able to really look at
"what is" in our lives, it opens us up
to seeing things from a new
perspective and new possibilities.

Today I invite you to examine "what is"
in your life, and to surrender.

Let Us Pray:
Sweet Holy Spirit, we open ourselves
to see "what is" in our lives. We
desire to see with new eyes, and to
see new possibilities. Thank You for
leading, guiding, and directing us.

Life is a wonderful journey, and we
are so glad to have love and support
on our journey. Let us know how
we can support you.

Bountiful blessings,

Sunday, March 21, 2010


Probably all of us have pricked a finger
on a thorn from a rose at one time or
another. It doesn't keep us from the
enjoyment of the beauty of roses or
their wonderful fragrance.

Thorns serve as a reminder but don't
keep us from the pleasure of the roses.

In 2Cor. 12: 7, the writer tells us "to
keep me from being too elated, a thorn
was given to me in the flesh..." He saw
his thorn as a teacher for him.

I have seen the "thorns" of other
people, and how they have been able to
use them as teachers for themselves,
and to inspire other people.

A good friend of mine is experiencing
the diagnosis of cancer. He has been
able to use it to teach other patients,
and his friends and relatives. He truly
is an inspiration to me. He is choosing
to experience joy on the journey, and
use the diagnosis as a teacher.

Is there something or someone in your
life that you are experiencing as a
painful thorn? Perhaps today we can
choose to see these "thorns" as
teachers and learn from them.

Let Us Pray:
Divine Love, we are grateful for Your
Presence always at work in us. We
are grateful for the "thorns" that we
have that we may learn and grow, and
that we may use them to inspire others.
Thank You, for we never journey alone.

We are grateful for your love and
support of this ministry. Let us know
how we can serve you.

Light and love,

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

"I Forgive, I Forgive, I Forgive"

"Then Jesus said, 'Father, forgive them;
for they do not know what they are
doing." Luke 23: 34

I had not looked at this quote in quite
the same way in the past. Today
different words stood out for me.

"for what they are doing" A present
tense action occurring at the time that
Jesus was praying from the cross.

Jesus wasn't listing an accumulation of
things that had been done against him.
He was talking about what the soldiers
were doing right there and then.

Jesus didn't list the beatings or crown
of thorns, or any of the things he had
just experienced. He had already taken
care of the need for forgiveness as things
were happening. He is our example of
how to make our lives work, and for us
to experience heaven on earth.

"Forgiveness releases the power of God
in you...When we forgive others we
open the way for divine justice to work
in our lives." --Lowell Fillmore

It is up to each one of us to examine our
lives and see who we need to forgive on
a moment to moment basis.

Let Us Pray:
Sweet Holy Spirit, we open ourselves to
release and let go, and to be willing to
forgive as Jesus forgave. We desire to
be examples of Your Love in our world.
Thank You, God. Amen.

We are here for Spiritual Counseling and
prayer. Let us know how we may
support you on your journey.

In peace and joy,

Sunday, March 14, 2010

"Make Up Your Mind"

Do you ever want to say "Make up your
mind" to Mother Nature after having a
few days of sunshine and warmth, and
then all of a sudden it starts raining and

Perhaps Spirit within us is saying the
same thing to us.

"For the doubter, being double-minded
and unstable in every way, must not
expect to receive anything from the
Lord." James 1:8

When we change our minds because
we doubt that we can really have what
we want, then we push away our good.
Our good that God (Good) wants for
each one of us.

According to H. Emilie Cady, "Desire in
the heart is always God tapping at the
door of your consciousness with His
infinite supply...a supply that is forever
useless unless there be demand for it."

Let us examine our thoughts and see
if we are pushing our good away from
us, or if we are issuing a grand welcome
as we realize that it is God's abundance
coming to us now.

Let Us Pray:
Divine Love and Wisdom we release our
doubts, and we say "Yes!" to our desires
and to the good You desire for us. We
are so grateful. Thank You, God!

Thanks for your love and support. We are
grateful for you.

In peace and joy,

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

"House Cleaning"

During the Lenten season it is a time of
Spiritual housecleaning as we look
within ourselves at our thoughts and

"Do you ever dust and sweep the places
in your mind where you doubt yourself?"
Rev.Marsha Lehman, M.Ed.,MA

I love the word pictures that Rev.Lehman
uses to get us thinking.

In the past, I have doubted myself as to
my calling as a minister because I do
not have a church I'm serving. I wondered
if I had gone to seminary for nothing. But,
the classes and studies I have done in
the last nine years have been life changing
for me, and I wouldn't go back to where I
was in consciousness or to who I was

My ministry is not in a church, but I am so
grateful for the on-line ministry of prayer
and support I do have. And, I'm grateful
for the lives I touch as a nurse now, that I
touch differently than the way I once did.

It is good to take a look at our doubts, and
see if there is any truth to them. If not, then
we can sweep them away, and be grateful
for this time of housecleaning.

Let Us Pray:
We go within and connect with You, Sweet
Spirit. We examine any doubts that come
into our minds, and then we are able to
sweep them away. We are grateful to be
Your children on a wonderful journey.
Thank You, God. Amen.

Thanks for your love and support. We are
grateful for you.

In joy,

Sunday, March 07, 2010


"For everything there is a season, and a
time for every matter under heaven: a time
to keep, and a time to throw away."
Ecclesiastes 3: 1, 6

A conversation with one of my prayer
partners helped me to see how much I do
think about time, and my comparisons of
what I have or have not done with my
time. Usually seeing myself as not having
done whatever as soon as I coulda or

Maybe I'm just talking to myself here, but
perhaps you've been there and done that,

She suggested that perhaps I could
instead be grateful that I had the idea in
the first place, and was then willing to
work at it for however long it took.

I am grateful she was willing to speak to
me about what she was observing in my
behavior, and willing to suggest an
alternative way of seeing the situation.

Today is my "time to throw away" this
old behavior pattern by taking a serious
look at it, and taking authentic action.

Do you have anything you want to throw
away, so you are able to walk your
journey differently?

Let Us Pray:
Living, loving Presence, thank You for
people who love us and want to support
us on our journey. Thank You for all of
the opportunities we have to see what is
going on with us, and that we are then
able to make choices to be and to do
things differently. We are so blessed.

We are grateful for you. Thanks for
being there to love and support us.

Together we journey onward,

Wednesday, March 03, 2010


"Jesus taught His followers to assert the
affirmative in thought and word...Jesus was
very positive in His assertion of the power of
spiritual man, and especially of those who
follow His teaching. He taught and
demonstrated that the word can be used to
build or destroy."

"An affirmation is a positive and orderly
statement of Truth. By affirmation we
claim and appropriate that which is ours."
-Charles Fillmore

In affirmative prayer we speak words of
Truth, rather than come to God begging for
what we want.

An example is: Thank You, God, that I am
fearfully and wonderfully made, and I know
that You are mightily at work in and through
me now. Thank You, God.

May we always be ever mindful of the words
we speak knowing how powerful they are.
Truly our words bring our good to us, or they
push it away. Our words build or they

Listen to your self talk, and see what you
are saying to yourself. Are you building up
or destroying?

Let Us Pray:
Living loving Presence, we connect with You
on another Wednesday of Lent. We are
examining our thoughts and words, and we
desire only to think and speak words of
Truth. Thank You for guiding us on our
journey. We are grateful. Amen.

We love hearing from you. Thank you for your
love and support. We are here to lovingly
listen and pray with you.
