
Monday, June 28, 2010

"Yellow Light"

Many years ago I remember when
someone was teaching about answers
to prayer, and they used a street light
to illustrate their point.

The red and green lights were pretty
obvious, as to how they applied to prayer,
"no" and "yes."

A lot of times we think the answer to our
prayer is a red light, because it hasn't
been answered the way we wanted it to
be or in the time we wanted.

It may be that instead, we are getting a
yellow light, that means wait or proceed
with caution.

"but those that wait for the Lord shall
renew their strength..." Isaiah 40:31

What we often find out is that by not having
instant gratification of our desires,
our faith is strengthened. We learn
lessons we haven't experienced before
or that we needed to complete.

Is there something in your life that you
had seen a "no answer" to before, that
perhaps was a "wait or caution?"

Maybe it is time to dust it off and pray
about it again, if it still is important to

Open yourself to Divine Guidance, and
you will know the truth about it.

Let Us Pray:
Sweet Holy Spirit, we are grateful for
Your guidance. We trust Your right
timing in answer to our prayers. We are
grateful that You desire the highest and
best for us, and we can depend upon it.
Thank You. Amen

I'm grateful to have you on this journey
as we continue to trust the process,
and listen to guidance.

Light and love,

Sunday, June 20, 2010

"Let Go"

"Let go of the shore and let the water
carry you, let go of the shore ...and
float into the mystery..." Karen Drucker

Is fear keeping you from living your
dream? Are you holding tightly onto
what you have always done or thought,
instead of stepping into the unknown?

"The river delights to lift us free, if only
we dare let go. Our true work is this
voyage, this adventure."
--Richard Bach

In order for you to realize your full
potential, and fulfill your dreams you
must let go of what is comfortable.

As long as you continue to step back
into safety, you will feel trapped and

Make sure the people around you are
your cheerleaders and are supporting
you in your vision and dreams.

Let Us Pray:
Loving Holy Spirit, as we connect
with You we are grateful for Your
Presence. We know You are with us
every step of the way as we step out
in courage and faith to fulfill our
dreams. Thank You. Amen.

I am here and I am willing to cheer you
on your way. You are a hero on a
hero's journey!


Sunday, June 13, 2010

"Cherish This Life"

"Cherish this life, for the time and the
place to know and express the Truth
is now and right here." Donald Curtis

I can remember as a child wanting to
be older than I was and wanting to do
things I wasn't yet old enough to
partake in.

A favorite old song was, "Youth is
wasted on the young."

Sometimes, even now, I find myself
wanting things to happen quicker than
they seem to be.

We can spend so much time wishing
for the future that we don't enjoy what
we have in the present.

In the above quote Donald Curtis
encourages us to "cherish this life." In
order for us to do that we need to be
fully present and grateful for the gift
that this life is.

Are you cherishing your life? I
encourage you to take time to be
grateful for who you are, and for the
difference you are making in our

Let Us Pray:
Divine Love, we go within and
connect with You. You have
given us this life, and we are
grateful. We take some time now
just to be in this now moment,
present to who we are and the
life we live. We are so blessed.
Thank You, God. Amen.

A part of what we cherish is the
love and support we receive from
you. We are grateful.

Light and love,

Sunday, June 06, 2010

"Handle With Prayer"

One of my mentors, Rev. Flo, taught
us that whatever we were hearing in
the news or seeing in the headlines,
were calls to prayer.

It is easy to get caught up in the
drama of the newscasters and the
naysayers. This is part of the
collective consciousness that we
all encounter in our human experience.

What we need to do, though, is to
take a moment to breathe and pray
about whatever it is that has caught
our attention. When we pray, then it
helps us to remember the One Power
God the Good is in that situation, too.

"...every time we pray in peace, love,
and understanding, we are defusing
one of those bombs of destruction and
building a more beautiful world."
--Donald Curtis

The oil spill is a call to prayer. War
and destruction are calls to prayer.
Every pain and every heart ache are
each a call to prayer.

Let Us Pray:
Living, loving Presence we are grateful
that You are everywhere present, and
that You are the One Power and Presence
in our lives and in the Universe. We give
thanks that we can trust You in every
situation as You lead, guide, and direct.
Thank You, God. Amen.

What a joy it is to have you as a partner
of prayer as we walk this journey. You
are the best.
