
Saturday, October 31, 2009

Thank You

"Thank You"
Meister Eckhart, 13th Century mystic, said "If the
only prayer you ever pray is 'Thank You,' it is

Gratitude is an important part of our lives. The
more we give thanks, the more we have to be grateful

As we speak words of gratitude for everyone and
everything in our lives, it helps to lift us up.
And,we all have so much to be grateful for.

Let us pray:
Loving Holy Spirit, I just want to say Thank You. I
am so blessed. I am so grateful. Thank You for
blessing me so abundantly. Thank You, Thank You,
Thank You. Amen.

We enjoy hearing from you, and we are grateful
for your love and support.

Peace and love,

Monday, October 26, 2009

Healing Prayer

"Healing Prayer"
"Self-Identity Ho'oponopono" is a Hawaiian healing
prayer used by a psychologist to help heal inmates
in a psychiatric hospital that were criminally
insane. Dr.Hew Len,PhD. used the prayer on himself
and the inmates were healed. Ho'oponopono is about
taking 100% responsibility for what comes into your
consciousness--not blame-responsibility.

This simple prayer to help clean and heal is: I love
you; I'm sorry; please forgive me; thank you.

It is about going to a place free from memories to
where we are inspired. Dr. Len says that we are
either coming from memory or inspiration. We clean
away memories so we can live from inspiration.

You can learn more about this in the book "Zero
Limits" written by Dr.Joe Vitale and Dr.Hew Len.

Ho'oponopono is a tool for self healing and to help
heal our planet.

Let us pray
I love you, I'm sorry, please forgive me,
thank you. Amen.

We enjoy hearing from you, and we are grateful
for your love and support.

Peace and love,