
Saturday, September 29, 2012

"Believe in You"

"You need not mold your life after
another.  Trust yourself.  Believe in
your direct relationship with Life and
You will not be disappointed."
    Ernest Holmes

Have you ever thought you would like
to be like someone else or want to
change yourself to be more like
someone else?

We get into trouble when we compare
ourselves with someone else.

There is nothing wrong with admiring
someone else.  The problem comes when
we start comparing ourselves to them,
and find our own self lacking.

Each one of us has come into this
world with the tools we need to be us.

We need to believe that we are
fearfully and wonderfully made, and to
trust the Life that flows in every
cell of our beings.

Everyone has gifts and talents that
are unique to them.

It is up to us to look for those gifts
and talents, and to see the best way
for us to put them to use.

The only comparison that is fair, is
when we compare ourselves to where we
were a week, a month, or six months

Trust Life. Trust the process. Trust

There is so much possibility to reach
for and to obtain. Begin now!

Let Us Pray:
Spirit of Oneness, we consciously
connect with You. There is no
separation.  You are fully within us.
Guidance and Light are ours as we
trust and believe in possibility. We
are blessed.  Amen.

I believe in you. I know you are open
to possibility.

Love and Light,

Sunday, September 23, 2012

"Willing to Watch"

"The simple act of watching enables us
to see what is present. And it is best
to watch without judgment. If you want
to discover the essence of a thing, it
cannot be tainted by your opinion. It
must be seen as it is. In fact, we may
declare: it is what it is."
     -Jim Rosemergy

In our busy days how many of us are
willing to take time to just watch and
look for what there is to see?

To be an observer, instead of being an

To be fully present, instead of some
place in the future or in the past.

For many of us it will require a
concentrated effort to set aside even
a few minutes to watch.

First of all we need to relax and let
go of our schedule.

Second, we need to close our eyes for
a moment or two shutting out the plans
and the feeling of anxiety of what
needs to be done.

The third thing is to take a breath,
and just feel that breath.

Then opening our eyes, with a soft
focus, be willing to see something in
our environment with fresh eyes and a
new way of seeing.

The final step is gratitude for this
time of relaxation and for what we
have been able to see.

I believe this time of willingness to
watch can be a refreshment for our
body and soul.  It can also give us
a new perspective on our world.

Let Us Pray:
We go within and connect with all
that is. We let go of our
perspective, and allow Guidance,
Light, Love to see. We are willing
watchers. We are grateful. Amen.

Two eyes to see with depth and
clarity all that there is to see
in our world.  We are blessed.

Grace-filled blessings,

Sunday, September 16, 2012

"Invitation to Re-Focus"

"Let us keep our mind and our heart
focused on gratitude and appreciation. 
Gratitude is a harmonious vibration with
abundance." -Mary Manin Morrissey

When all we do is complain about what is
showing up in our lives, then we are
inviting more of what we don't want to
come to us.

What does it feel like when we are
unhappy or focusing on lack?  Our bodies
feel tight and heavy.

It is a mystery to me why so many of us
seem to want to be miserable, but that
is what we continue to choose when we put
our attention on what is wrong.

We even gather evidence  to prove our
point, and to argue that what you are
experiencing is nothing compared to
what has been happening to me.

How about choosing to re-focus our
attention on appreciation and gratitude
for all of the blessings in our lives?

This kind of one-up-manship would be a
great game to play with our family and
friends.  It would bring a wonderful new
energy to our gatherings.

Appreciation. Gratitude.

Let Us Pray:
We go within and connect with Spirit in
us. We release any attention on lack or
problems. Our focus is on appreciation
for all the blessings and lessons. We
are so grateful. Amen.

Today is our day to refocus,to count our
many blessings, and to name them one by

Light and Love,

Sunday, September 09, 2012

One Thought

"We should be thankful that our minds
are so constituted as to make it
impossible for us to think more than
one thought at a time.

"While we are thinking of God's
presence and power we cannot
simutaneously think of our personal
inadequacies, hardships and dreads."
  -Dana Gatlin

In this day so many people are proud
of how easily they are able to multi
task at so many things at once.

Can you imagine what it would be like
if we could not only do more than one
task at a time, but we could actually
think about more than one thing at a

Sounds awfully scary to me.

I am grateful that we can think only
one thought at a time. Because, as our
quote is talking about, when we are
focused on the power and presence of
God we can't think about our fears.

I believe that what we focus on grows.

So, if we focus our thoughts on the
One Power and One Presence, then that
will be what is growing.

When we focus our thoughts on God, there
is no other thought going on about our

Focusing on the One Power and One
Presence brings Peace, and activates the
Guidance System that will assist us in
every circumstance.

We are wonderfully made, and I continue
to be grateful for the different ways
that I see how it impacts our lives.

Where is your focus? What do you want to
see growing in your life?

May our thoughts be focused on the One
Power and One Presence active in our
lives, and active in the Universe.

Let Us Pray:
We go within and contact the One Power,
One Presence active within us.  Our focus
is within.  We are at peace. We are so
blessed. We are grateful. Amen.

I'm grateful for you.

Grace-filled blessings,