
Sunday, July 25, 2010

"School of Life"

"We are all enrolled in this school of life.
Prayer is the process by which we bring
ourself into conscious contact with the
inner Instructor, the Teacher who will always
guide and help us... -Donald Curtis

As Donald Curtis states in the above quote,
we are all enrolled in the school of life. We
have a teacher--The Teacher who is always
present with us to help us.

So often we look outwardly for the answers
to our problems. We think if we have
enough money or the right relationship or
a different job or...

We are like people of old who were looking
outside of themselves for a Messiah to
make everything right.

The answer to all we need comes from the
Teacher within us.

It is our choice as to whether we listen to
our Teacher.

Our Instructor is always ready to guide and
direct us. All we have to do is go within to
connect with our Teacher.

Let Us Pray:
Sweet Holy Spirit, we go within to connect
with You. We know You are always
present to teach us and guide us. We are
grateful that we do not have to go alone.
Thank You. Amen.

Prayer is truly our connection with our
Teacher, and we are always here to pray
with you, Dear Friend.


Sunday, July 18, 2010

"Nature as our Chapel"

Many of us love to spend time in the woods,
and we find God in our chapel there. Not a
chapel made with wood and stained glass.

A chapel found in the stillness as we walk
through the forest or observe the colorful
wild flowers that spring up everywhere. We
hear God's whisper in the babbling brook.

While we are in nature we can also
experience the roughness of rocks and
hidden branches along the path, that remind
us that our spiritual journey is not always

Thunder and lightning help us to see how
mythological concepts of an angry,
vengeful, and judgmental God were given
birth so many years ago.

Seeing the loving care of a doe for her
fawns as she attends to them helps us to
remember the wonderful love shown to us
by our Creator.

May we each spend time in seeing, with new
eyes the chapel that surrounds us wherever
we are.

Let Us Pray:
Loving Spirit, may we be fully present with
You as You are fully present with us. May
we see that wherever we are, whether it be
in nature or in a busy city, it is our chapel.
We love You. We give thanks. Amen.

Thank you for sharing your journey with us.
We are grateful for your love and support.

Light and love,

Sunday, July 11, 2010

"Oneness With God"

"When we are aware of our oneness with
God, nothing is impossible to us, no matter
what outer appearances may indicate.
Maintaining this sense of unity with Spirit is
the focal point of religion and of life."
-Donald Curtis

Are things getting you down lately? Do you
seem to have so much going on that you
feel overwhelmed? Do your goals seem far
away from being realized?

I would encourage you to make sure that
prayer and meditation remain a priority. As
you pray and meditate it will help you to know
your oneness with God, and you will realize,
as Donald Curtis states in the above quote,
"nothing is impossible to us..."

Friends of mine have been puzzled that I
have not actively (from their perspective)
been working to make things happen
regarding some of my goals. What they
don't know is that my activity has been
prayer, meditation, and surrender. Then,
as I am led by Spirit, I do what is mine to
do. And, things are happening!

I affirm that Divine Love and Wisdom is
doing its perfect work in me (in you) now.
Nothing is impossible for either of us.

Let Us Pray:
Divine Love, we go within and connect with
You. We know that all things are possible
as we spend time in prayer and meditation.
We realize our oneness with You, and we
do what is ours to do. We are one. We
give thanks. Amen.

We are one, dear friend, with each other,
and with God. Nothing is impossible.


Sunday, July 04, 2010


"For freedom Christ has set us free. Stand
firm, therefore, and do not submit again to
a yoke of slavery." Galatians 5:1

Today we celebrate Independence Day and
the freedoms we have.

One of the freedoms we can celebrate today
is freedom from old beliefs that have kept us in
chains. These old beliefs hold us back from
expressing all that we are.

One of my old beliefs has been not to give
myself credit when I accomplish something. It
has been much easier, in the past, to
remember what I see as my failures.

As I spoke with my Coach she reminded me of
all the things I have to celebrate that I have been
working on the past few months. It was
wonderful to have her reminding me of my
accomplishments, and giving me permission to

I trust that in your life you have someone who is
there to remind you of your victories, so that you
can celebrate all you are accomplishing.

May we each set aside the yokes of slavery
knowing that the Christ in us is setting us free to
be all we can be. We have much to celebrate.

Let us pray:
Loving Presence we are grateful for You,
and for all the victories You give us to
celebrate as we listen to Your guidance.
We are so blessed. We are free. Thank
You. Amen.

We would love to hear about your victories and
how you choose to celebrate.

Light and love,